
Your Top-Notch Cyber Security Website Development and Online Marketing

Our Challenge

Hit Security local Qatar Cybersecurity system integrator and the cyber company concentrated solely on solving the evolving security issues. They used combined technology to aid the problems of people through technology.

It is a multicultural community of problem solvers. They have a talented and certified team that serves in solving the issues from IT consultants to security services. They provide full-time services in cybersecurity, application security, end-point security, and data privacy management.

Zenoids had received the project of building their website with prompt services of SEO used in it. They reached out to us through our website. We are one of the best cybersecurity website development companies in Qatar. 

Hit Security Local Qatar Cybersecurity is a cybersecurity company. It was our first experience constructing a website in this field. We had to ensure that we delivered a quality website with a suitable GUI and quality content at the promised product delivery date.

Our Solution

Zenoids evaluated all of these issues and developed a significant web-based solution that included all of the crucial features, such as the ability to add new parts with a unique part number, search for pages using various filters, and categories, and edit and maintain versions of such pages, and maintain edit histories.

We worked with our experienced and well-cooperated web development and web designing team. With the proper alignment of pages after the pages, GUI and content, we would complete a part of this website and seek approval from our client. 

To make the process of adding new parts, retrieving them, and controlling the versions of already-existing components simple and convenient, we also made sure that the application’s user interface was friendly. We delivered the completed website within the promised deadline of 15 days.

The client was extremely happy with the website developed. They also started receiving several leads online itself. They liked our work to such an extent that they assigned us another task of applying SEO and marketing strategies to the website. 

We then added the meta titles and, meta descriptions along with proper image sources and did a high-level keyword search. We also carried out correct SEO strategies to make their website and business rank first in the Google rankings. This increased the client’s revenue and leads by 10x!

Company: HIT Security

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